-going to the Butte 4th of July parade (which is complete with a belly dancers float consisting of ladies over the age of 50)
-almost getting blown up when my father-in-law's lawn mower caught on fire (yikes!)
-getting sunburnt
-chasing around our nieces
-making s'mores around the fire pit
-playing games
-going to Virginia City (a little ghost town about an hour away from Butte)
-and cuddling with our sweet 8 month old niece Harper
(isn't she just so cute?)
We had so much fun being around family and not having to think about school or work for a few days. We wish everyday was like that! It makes me even more excited now that we are only 8 days away from being in South Carolina and being able to spend 2 weeks with my family. Ahh I can't wait to be home and back on the coast for a little while. We will be done with school for the semester in 4 days and then we will get 7 weeks to just relax until our very last semester of college starts in September! These next few months are going to be wonderful :)
We hope everyone had a great 4th of July and remembers what our great nation stands for!
(it's a bit close to our faces, but we don't look too shabby)