Tuesday, December 10, 2013

South Carolina Trip

I know I am way behind, but I need to document about our trip before I totally forget what we did. Brandon and I traveled to South Carolina on Oct 22 and came back on Oct 29. This was the first time I had been home since last summer! I hate that it took us over a year to go back home, but we have had a very weird year with unemployment. I was 30 weeks pregnant when we left Utah for our trip. I had a very hard time on our flights. My back was killing me almost the entire time and our daughter would freak out during take off and landing. We almost missed our connecting flight in Baltimore, but luckily we got there just in time. We finally arrived in Charleston at 10pm. Needless to say we were exhausted and ready for bed. My brother Chad came down from Knoxville, TN to see us while we were in town. It was really good to see him, even though he loved making comments on how fat I am. Haha but I guess that is what big brothers are for. Our trip was spent shopping, eating great food, and spending time with family! I loved every second of it! My aunts threw me an amazing baby shower while we were in town as well. It was so great seeing everyone and seeing just how much our little girl is loved. She got such adorable things! She is already such a spoiled little girl. I can't wait until she comes so I can start dressing her in all the cute outfits she got. I was really sad when we had to leave to come back to Utah. I miss my family and South Carolina like crazy. Hopefully we will be able to go back sometime this summer! Now enjoy these pictures from our trip :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I have been reflecting today about this past year. This year has been a whirlwind to say the least. This time last year we were preparing to graduate from BYU-Idaho and didn't know where we were heading. Here are some of the things that happened this year where the Lord has blessed us:

1. We were very fortunate to be offered an internship with the Church right before our lease ended. We were able to make the move to Utah and have Brandon start his internship without being delayed. Brandon got great experience at his internship and he was paid very well to top it off!

2. I was able to find a job preparing tax returns. This has been one of the greatest blessings we could receive. I was a seasonal employee so my job ended in May, but my boss contacted me and wanted me to come back when extensions came due. I started working again in September and now I am about to start working part time from home. This was something we never expected, but we feel so blessed that I have the opportunity to work from home after I have the baby.

3. Brandon's internship ended in May as well so we found ourselves both unemployed. We are fortunate enough to live close to my sister-in-law and her family. They graciously let us move in with them while we were battling unemployment. We are extremely grateful to them for their hospitality and helping us in our time of need.

4. Brandon accepted a job offer with NBS in July. We are so fortunate that we were only unemployed for 2 months. It could have taken much longer than that. He is able to support our family with his job and it is giving him great experience and a stepping stone to a great career.

5. We moved into our current apartment in September. We were so fortunate to be able to find this apartment. It gives us what we need and we don't have to kill ourselves every month to pay our bills. We live relatively close to both of our jobs and we don't have sketchy neighbors like at our old place.

6. I have been extremely blessed with this pregnancy. I didn't have morning sickness like most women do. My blood pressure has been great at all of my appointments and so has my weight gain. Little girl has a very strong heart beat and she moves around like crazy. I do get back pain and she makes me uncomfortable, but I have nothing to complain about.

7. We are extremely grateful for our families. They are always there for us and support us no matter what.

8. Last but not least, I am extremely grateful for our daughter. We have 23 days until the due date and I am starting to get really anxious to meet her. I can't wait to see Brandon with her too. He is so smitten with her already that it melts my heart.

We have had a tough year by anyone's standards, but we have been blessed beyond measure. The Lord has looked after us this year, and for that we are eternally grateful. The year isn't over yet and I know that I will be grateful for so many more things before it ends. Now here are some pictures of my ever growing baby bump for your enjoyment!

(27 weeks)

(30 weeks)

(33 weeks)

(35 weeks)

(Thanksgiving 2013, 36 weeks)

(Thanksgiving 2013)