Sunday, May 27, 2012

Apartment Fever!

I don't know if its because I'm married or what, but I absolutely hate living in an apartment! We live on the bottom floor below a family that has 2 kids. It makes it really hard for me and Brandon to do homework and to just relax. So because we are having apartment fever (mostly me) I watch HGTV all the time! You name the show and I've probably seen it. Needless to say I am getting some great ideas for our future home. I can't wait until we get settled in a place where we can actually buy a house! I'm sure I get on Brandon's nerves because I tell him that almost daily! But we only have to put up with the noise for another 6 months and then we will be leaving Rexburg and onto our next adventure.

I am actually watching House Hunters right now. (I know, I'm pretty lame!)

Brandon and I are about half-way through the semester. It hasn't been too bad of a semester so far, but I am still so ready for it to be over. I have really bad senioritis. We get to register for our last semester of college next Monday. We are so excited that we are almost done! It seems a little surreal how close we are. Brandon needs to find an internship for the Winter semester. Hopefully he will find one that he likes and they like him so we can get settled in a place fairly quickly. But only time will tell. I just hope we end up somewhere that is much much bigger than Rexburg, ID. :)

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